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     This website is new and still under construction.      It will only contain a selection of old videos from our huge archive.     The website is build to send the message that one should not forget how the Israelis began with their brazen dystopian onslaught.      Content is sorted by category first then by date.      Click 'Introduction' to read more.

No one is aware, many even don't know, that there is not one Palestinian problem but two. Both have a totally different story as the widely known Palestinian problem started with the partition of the remaining Ottoman Empire by France and Britain in 1916.

The two countries stood also at the beginning of the Gaza problem that began with loosing the control over the Suez Canal after the then-president of Egypt had nationalized the French-British Suez company. The French and the British wanted the canal back but were eager to start a war with Egypt. They asked the Israelis for help who attacked Egypt in 1956 by seizing Gaza to occupy it until 2005.

There were 21 settlements in Gaza under the occupier's administration of the Hof Aza Regional Council. The land was allocated in such a way that each Israeli settler disposed of 400 times the land available to the Palestinian refugees, and 20 times the volume of water allowed to the peasant farmers of Gaza. The first settlement was Kfar Darom, which was originally established in 1947, and reformed in 1970.

In 1987, several Palestinians were killed by an Israeli truck driver. The attack, not an accident as altered by CAMERA in WIkipedia, triggered the First Intifada, a Palestinian uprising against Israeli West Bank and Gaza occupation. led Yassin and six other Palestinians to found Hamas. The way the Israelis crushed the Intifada prompted Hamas to emerged. In fact, Hamas is created by the Israelis this way.

In 2003, Ariel Sharon proposed the withdrawal from Gaza in the wake of a peace agreement between the Israelis and Egypt. That agreement have led to the dismantling of settlements in the Sinai.. Sharon's proposal came into effect in 2005 with the dismantling of the 21 settlements. The dismantling didn't take place without resistance by settlers.

In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank. In response, Egypt and the Israelis blockade Gaza by closing the land borders, preventing air traffic from and to Gaza and by stopping all maritime traffic into the territorial waters of Gaza.