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     This website is new and still under construction.      It will only contain a selection of old videos from our huge archive.     The website is build to send the message that one should not forget how the Israelis began with their brazen dystopian onslaught.      Content is sorted by category first then by date.      Click 'Introduction' to read more.









The definition of 'terror' is extreme fear. 'ism' at the end of the word 'terror' is a suffix to indicate that 'terror' represents acts and activities related to causing extreme fear, while 'terrorizing' is the act with the aim to cause extreme fear.

The word 'terrorism' refers to methodologies on which the use of terror is based. Anyone who resort in acts and activities with the intention to cause extreme fear, that person is a terrorist. But, when two or more people form, or people join the forming of a group with the intention to cause extreme fear, they are members of a terror group, not a terrorist group as that is a undefined political pleonasm. Here is why:

The aforementioned does not explain what kind of terrorist they are. Because terror-ist, so someone who spreads extreme fear, may also refer to a tyrant, an dictator, an autocrat even the military that has taken over an civilian ruling like in Myanmar.

Again, "terrorists" is a popularized collective name that is even used on social media against anyone who post content that is pro-Palestinian. This kind of brandishing have been since the speech by US President George W. Bush from September 20, 2001 when he introduced 'war on terror'.

Canada, the European Union, Israelis, Japan and the United States have designated Hamas as a terrorist organization. Australia, New Zealand, Paraguay and the United Kingdom have designated only its military wing as a terrorist organization (as of 2021). It is not considered a terrorist organization by Brazil, China, Egypt, Iran, Norway, Qatar, Russia, Syria and Turkey.

In December 2018, the United Nations General Assembly rejected a U.S. resolution condemning Hamas as a terrorist organization.

The question rises when is it correct to label Hamas as an armed terror organization?


  • Hamas must reside inside the territory to operate as such organization.
  • Its targets must be those owned, administered, run and managed by a government or an political operating entity to whom Hamas is oppose to.
  • Its targets must be public areas of strategic importance
  • The territory where Hamas is supposed to operate must live in time of peace.


Hamas is not residing in the Israeli occupied territory, is that territory was never consecutive and historically Israeli.  The Israelis do not live in time of peace as they never have lifted the their self-declared stage of war since 1967. That is why the United Nations still considers the Israelis as war belligerent. 

So, labeling Hamas as a "terrorist organization" is purely based on Zionized politics, not with criteria as written above.

According to Law Of Belligerent Occupation, occupation means a situation when, in during an international armed conflict, a territory, or parts thereof, comes under the effective provisional control of a foreign power. The latter brings us to Article 51 in the UN Charter:


Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.

Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defense shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security.


Gaza is not a country. It is part of the occupied State Of Palestine. We can at least say that the occupation of Gaza have never ended despite the withdrawal from Gaza in 2005. This brings us back to the Law Of Belligerent Occupation that provides occupied people the right to form armed groups to resist occupation. Hamas is in this regard an resistance group, not an "terrorist group." The adamant stubbornness the Israelis always have been showing, that Hamas is a "terrorist organization" is to protect a long lived desire that their ancestors, the European migrants, brought into British Mandatory Palestine but introduced in Basel, Switzerland in 1897: Zionism.

Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions stipulates the provision of the right of self-determination when people are under foreign and colonial rule. The Israelis are descendants of European Zionist migrants, and currently a people from around the world. They all are not autochthonous to the region thus frankly foreigners.

The foreigners in the West Bank, actually in the whole of the occupied State Of Palestine, are of the same definition as those from Britain, France and the Netherlands when they went to the American continent more than 400 years ago to take the land of the indigenous people. Lots of wars were waged to remove these people there where the Europeans wanted to settle. That's how the United States and Canada came to exist. It is also the way how European Zionist migrants created theirs.

Members of the Hamas have the full right to resist the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the annexation of the West Bank. If they take and use that right, they must distinguish themselves from the civilian population, or on the basis of articles 43 & 44 of the Additional Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions, at least carry their weapons openly during attacks and deployments.

No one is aware, many even don't know, that there is not one Palestinian problem but two. Both have a totally different story as the widely known Palestinian problem started with the partition of the remaining Ottoman Empire by France and Britain in 1916.

The two countries stood also at the beginning of the Gaza problem that began with loosing the control over the Suez Canal after the then-president of Egypt had nationalized the French-British Suez company. The French and the British wanted the canal back but were eager to start a war with Egypt. They asked the Israelis for help who attacked Egypt in 1956 by seizing Gaza to occupy it until 2005.

There were 21 settlements in Gaza under the occupier's administration of the Hof Aza Regional Council. The land was allocated in such a way that each Israeli settler disposed of 400 times the land available to the Palestinian refugees, and 20 times the volume of water allowed to the peasant farmers of Gaza. The first settlement was Kfar Darom, which was originally established in 1947, and reformed in 1970.

In 1987, several Palestinians were killed by an Israeli truck driver. The attack, not an accident as altered by CAMERA in WIkipedia, triggered the First Intifada, a Palestinian uprising against Israeli West Bank and Gaza occupation. led Yassin and six other Palestinians to found Hamas. The way the Israelis crushed the Intifada prompted Hamas to emerged. In fact, Hamas is created by the Israelis this way.

In 2003, Ariel Sharon proposed the withdrawal from Gaza in the wake of a peace agreement between the Israelis and Egypt. That agreement have led to the dismantling of settlements in the Sinai.. Sharon's proposal came into effect in 2005 with the dismantling of the 21 settlements. The dismantling didn't take place without resistance by settlers.

In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank. In response, Egypt and the Israelis blockade Gaza by closing the land borders, preventing air traffic from and to Gaza and by stopping all maritime traffic into the territorial waters of Gaza.

In short: the Israeli occupying power uses "public diplomacy" to communicate directly with citizens of other countries to inform and influence them so that they support or tolerate the Israeli government's strategic objectives. It is about the following:

Hasbara (Hebrew: הַסְבָּרָה) has no direct English translation, but roughly means "explaining". It is a communicative strategy that "seeks to explain actions, whether or not they are justified". As it focuses on providing explanations about one's actions, hasbara has been called a "reactive and event-driven approach".

The IOF Spokesperson's Unit (Hebrew: דובר צה"ל, Dover Tzahal, abbr. Dotz) is the unit in the IOF Operations Directorate, responsible for information policy and media relations. The unit is led by the IOF Spokesperson, a brigadier general and member of the General Staff, and by the Deputy Spokesperson, a colonel.

However, the aforementioned won't give you a understanding but whose behind. In plain words, hasbara is no other than a Zionism based exaggerated and disseminated language .

  • "Do not talk about what we have done to people. Talk about what we have achieved."

When it comes to killings of Hezbollah members, the Israelis do not say 'by disregaring civilians'. So, what they really have done is

  • "We have murdered civilians to kill a Hezbollah member."